Sunday 12 October 2014

communicating my character's objectives through my body language, voice and movement

In the scene my character has mainly 1 objective, and that is to find out what is going on. I use my body to communicate this objective by being very upright, which shows I'm nervous but eager to understand. I also always have my head directly in front him, showing that I'm very serious in that I want to now what is going on. I also clench my fists when he's pulling me along, this shows that I don't feel safe and Im very precocious as I don't know whats happening.
I use my voice to communicate my objective. I do this by shouting a lot, trying to get him to listen. I also ask a lot of questions because Im scared.
And finally I use movement to communicate my objective, by pulling away trying to get him to listen to me, I also do this as a rebellion because I'm annoyed he won't tell me whats happening. And when Sephy gets a stick and she yells "Callum enough!" I pull away to show Ive had enough and then I start moving in slow motion to show I've been hit by an explosion.

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