Thursday 16 October 2014

lesson 6 (the performance)

Overall I think the performance went extremely well! No one messed up their timings of lines and everyone remembered when they had to come on stage.

When we rehearsed the scene to our other class I was starting to get worried that the performance was going to go down hill! It was because people were late with "Sephy get out of here" in my scene and there were big breaks. And also people forgot when their sex scene line was. But in the final performance it went perfectly and everyone was amazing!

I think our class performance was better than the other classes because, as in our scene we talked about sex and people had to kiss in every scene that they were meant to. But the other class didn't and I think were brave for that, and it shows that our maturity has grown as a class. But I do think that the other class did some scenes better than us. For instance at the beginning and end they had a court of dance, showing their characters feelings for the other people that were in their scene. It looked really effective and it made it clearer for the audience to understand the relationships of the characters.

In my performance I definitely think my acting skills have developed. I think my articulation has improved, so that now the audience can clearly understand everything I'm saying, even when I'm shouting. I think I also developed my ability to stay in character. During my scene there were people walking in and a child who was right next to me kept making noises. But the whole time I stayed in character and didn't loose where I was or get distracted. I think another skill I developed was direct address. I had never actually done this before but from my first run through from the scene until last night I have improved. I am more confident with making eye contact to the audience, and making sure Im looking at both sides of the audience, plus making my voice clear and loud enough for them to hear me. And finally a skill I developed was staging. Before I didn't really think about it, but having to perform to a traverse theatre thats all you think about. How to make sure your facing both sides of the audience. Me and my partner really worked on this, and we defiantly achieved our goal.

So in conclusion I did my scene to the best of my ability, I learnt all my lines, I faced both sides of the audience, I made sure my words were clearly articulated, I stayed in character, I got into my character and I stayed focus throughout even when I wasn't performing.

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