Saturday, 4 October 2014

lesson 4 - technical terms

2nd October 2014

In this lesson we worked on are technical terms for our voice. We used each 7 things in our scene to make them better.

SOUND AND SILENCE. We didn't actually need any silences in our scene because its very rushed and there is no time for breaks.

PITCH. We argue a lot in our scene, even though we are not angry with each other. This is because Callum is anxious because he knows that theres a bomb, but Sephy doesn't know whats going on, so they both clash at points. Examples of this is when Callum runs in and shouts "Sephy you got to get out of here now!" by Ellis shouting this line it creates drama and panic for the audience as they have no idea whats going on. As the scene goes on they get more angry at each other so the depth of their voices increases because their angry at each other but also very scared.

PACE. Through the whole of the seen it is very fast. There are no breaks, no pauses because we wanted to make the audience go on the edge of their seats. And by making the scene very manic with something happening all the time, it creates a lot of tension and excitement for the audience. 

INTONATION. Sephy asks a lot of questions in the like "whats going on?" and so when I say this line at the end of the sentence my voice rises at the end because I am questioning something. 

VOLUME. Throughout the scene the volume is very loud but very much increases. This is because Callum is getting more anxious about the bomb exploding and Sephy is really scared because she doesn't know what is going on, so the whole time their getting angrier and angrier at each other. Callum wants Sephy to hurry up and Sephy wants to know what on earth is happening, so they both start raising their voices to get though to the other person. An example of this is when Sephy shouts at Callum "Callum enough!" because by this time Sephy is really petrified and still doesn't know whats happening and Callum won't tell her so she gets extremely annoyed and shouts even louder at him. 

TONE COLOUR. The whole scene is very cold and abrupt. Because they are always shouting at each other. For example "Never mind your ruddy drink!" which Callum shouts at Sephy because he frustrated with her because she won't leave the cafe. 

EMPHASIS. In the scene when Callum or Sephy wanted to make something clear to one another they emphasise a particular word. We decided to emphasise words that show what they person speaking wants. For example Callum says "you gotta get out of here right NOW!" and emphasises the word 'now" because he wants Sephy to realise that she needs to get away now and fast because something bad is going to happen.  

All these things make the scene better because create panic and drama on stage. This makes the audience feel excited and want to know whats going on. 

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